PETALS (Patient Engagement, Tracking, and Long-term Support) is a VA HSR&D initiative designed to serve as a resource to investigators nationally who need a secure, compliant VA platform for developing and deploying text-messaging (SMS) and automated calls (IVR) as part of research studies with veteran patients.
PETALS is directed by Dr. John Piette in the Ann Arbor Center for Clinical Management Research. Our team provides expertise and consultation that assists investigators nationally in the conceptual development of digital interventions, the deployment of SMS and IVR within VA-approved data secure environments, and the execution of digital communication programs that make a difference in the lives of veterans and in the context of prior scientific work.
If you think you may be interested in discussing a project, please review our self-guided, brief presentations available via SharePoint (Note: You must be logged into the internal VA network to view this website).
Also, you can contact us at